Designing Dream Dinner: Wine & Food Pairings

Designing Your Dream Wine & Food Pairing Dinner. Our task as  group field exercise this week was to plan and rhetorically represent our own “fantasy” six course meals of wine and food pairings.   

Use Robert & Virginia Hoffman’s Pairing Wine with Food: Everything You Would Like to Know About Pairing Wine with Food and More!

1.       Plan your Dream Wine and Food Pairing Dinner menu with your group members using descriptions of each course engaging the rhetoric of wine (applying language that engages the erotics and aesthetics of all of the senses: taste, smell, texture, sight, etc). 

2.       Design a menu to present your menu via digital format: Instagram; blog; Powerpoint, Prezi, etc. to display your Six Course Wine Dinner (with detailed descriptions of each course and photo illustrations);

3.       Take photos, draw sketches, or download digital images of your Dream Wine & Food Pairing six course meal (appetizers/starters; soup; salad; palate cleansing pre-main course side dish i.e. sorbet; main course; dessert).

4.       Prepare a set of talking points for each of the six courses as if you were banquet hosts or the server of your Dream feast. Take turns presenting your menu and delivering your talking points;

5.       Group Role Playing to class (use Powerpoint, Prezi, or any other “show & tell” presentation to demonstrate your wine and food pairing to the class.



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