
Showing posts from November, 2018

Welcome to Writing About Wine & Culture

Drink Good Wine with Interesting People in Memorable Places.   ENGL 320 Spring 2019 Dr. Michelle Hall Kells Writing About Wine & Culture   “The effect of Dionysis is now dear to me, as well as Aphrodite’s urgings and the Muses inspiration—they all bring good cheer to all people.” Solon of Athens   Echoing the ancient Athenian scholar Solon, a more modern mantra reads: “Drink good wine with interesting people in memorable places.” Wine as a cultural, social, and rhetorical trope speaks to us across communities, place, and time. Good wine feeds the body and the soul. Wine is communion. It seals romance and toasts good fortune. The story of wine stretches through history for over some three thousand years. The purpose of this class is to create a community of writers and to cultivate opportunities for considering our roles as makers, consumers, artists, scholars (of place) through the study of local and global wine cultures. The rich literary and rhetoric